
Showing posts from September, 2019

Mock Interview Reflection

           When preparing for the mock interview, I felt extremely anxious and nervous.  When you're on the interviewee side of an interview, I feel as if the stakes are always pretty high.  If they weren't, then you may not need to be at the interview in the first place.  Even though this was a mock interview rather than a real one, the stakes still felt high.  Despite being so nervous, I do feel as if it went well overall.  In hindsight, I appreciated this feeling of realness and typical anxiety that I would feel for a real interview because it allowed me to get those negative feelings out of the way some before I have a real interview.  It allowed me to prepare like I would for a real interview without the stakes being high.  I am so appreciative that we had this opportunity as part of Leadership Development II.      Through the preparation and the mock interview itself, I learned a couple key things.  One thing I learned was the many beneficial ways to respond to the